all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 6PT 0 51.520847 -0.158178
W1U 6PU 2 51.520814 -0.158324
W1U 6PW 0 51.520897 -0.157917
W1U 6PX 0 51.520797 -0.158425
W1U 6PY 0 51.520772 -0.158527
W1U 6PZ 13 51.520755 -0.158629
W1U 6QA 2 51.520739 -0.158716
W1U 6QB 0 51.520722 -0.158803
W1U 6QD 3 51.520947 -0.157655
W1U 6QF 6 0 51.520641 -0.157639
W1U 6QJ 5 1 51.51977 -0.15544
W1U 6QN 6 1 51.519754 -0.155585
W1U 6QP 1 1 51.519704 -0.155832
W1U 6QR 6 1 51.519687 -0.15589
W1U 6QS 1 0 51.519646 -0.156108
W1U 6QT 7 0 51.519505 -0.156863
W1U 6QU 14 0 51.519464 -0.157153
W1U 6QW 4 1 51.519713 -0.155648
W1U 6QX 14 0 51.519376 -0.157848
W1U 6QY 1 1 51.519334 -0.158009