all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1GE 8 0 52.749842 -1.950179
WS15 1GF 14 0 52.748773 -1.950388
WS15 1GG 8 0 52.748602 -1.950003
WS15 1GH 63 0 52.748808 -1.949188
WS15 1GJ 10 0 52.748583 -1.948181
WS15 1GL 22 0 52.748996 -1.947677
WS15 1GP 16 0 52.749418 -1.946698
WS15 1GQ 22 0 52.749401 -1.94861
WS15 1HA 18 0 52.74323 -1.924072
WS15 1HB 23 0 52.743175 -1.922458
WS15 1HD 5 0 52.74751 -1.924954
WS15 1HE 15 0 52.74698 -1.925518
WS15 1HG 47 0 52.746896 -1.921518
WS15 1HH 15 0 52.745916 -1.920779
WS15 1HJ 17 0 52.746661 -1.919163
WS15 1HL 14 0 52.746994 -1.920036
WS15 1HN 48 0 52.747686 -1.91962
WS15 1HP 8 0 52.74541 -1.917847
WS15 1HQ 32 0 52.747382 -1.922154
WS15 1HR 37 1 52.745024 -1.919131