all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1EE 9 1 52.743469 -1.919889
WS15 1EF 18 0 52.743046 -1.919001
WS15 1EG 16 0 52.755342 -1.928496
WS15 1EH 13 0 52.746118 -1.928274
WS15 1EJ 70 0 52.743996 -1.927152
WS15 1EL 8 0 52.745461 -1.926987
WS15 1EN 30 0 52.742134 -1.925007
WS15 1EP 14 0 52.741871 -1.921675
WS15 1EQ 28 0 52.740492 -1.929883
WS15 1ER 39 0 52.741673 -1.920727
WS15 1ES 51 0 52.743051 -1.925272
WS15 1ET 34 0 52.744651 -1.924425
WS15 1EU 13 2 52.745828 -1.923979
WS15 1EW 32 0 52.742258 -1.922607
WS15 1EX 44 0 52.745712 -1.92589
WS15 1EY 51 0 52.744813 -1.92561
WS15 1EZ 29 0 52.742906 -1.923777
WS15 1GA 59 0 52.750739 -1.94523
WS15 1GB 55 0 52.751539 -1.944844
WS15 1GD 61 0 52.749519 -1.950106