all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7JX 14 0 52.603473 -2.015091
WS2 7JY 41 1 52.601082 -2.014854
WS2 7JZ 10 0 52.598843 -2.014248
WS2 7LA 20 0 52.598834 -2.01509
WS2 7LB 12 0 52.599329 -2.015681
WS2 7LD 48 0 52.6003 -2.015194
WS2 7LE 2 0 52.599749 -2.015631
WS2 7LF 28 0 52.600911 -2.016331
WS2 7LG 18 0 52.601423 -2.01605
WS2 7LH 18 0 52.602214 -2.016331
WS2 7LJ 39 0 52.602843 -2.017247
WS2 7LL 45 0 52.603239 -2.01611
WS2 7LN 43 0 52.604273 -2.018001
WS2 7LP 40 0 52.604291 -2.016686
WS2 7LQ 12 0 52.602556 -2.015313
WS2 7LR 18 0 52.604624 -2.015786
WS2 7LS 8 0 52.600264 -2.008417
WS2 7LU 2 1 52.599954 -2.024209
WS2 7LW 20 0 52.603931 -2.015948
WS2 7LY 5 2 52.608047 -2.008516