all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7HX 6 0 52.598979 -2.010232
WS2 7HY 30 0 52.598781 -2.011768
WS2 7HZ 26 0 52.599491 -2.012949
WS2 7JA 50 0 52.599221 -2.011812
WS2 7JB 54 0 52.600336 -2.011576
WS2 7JD 14 0 52.599967 -2.013909
WS2 7JE 54 0 52.601037 -2.012566
WS2 7JF 20 0 52.600848 -2.010366
WS2 7JG 21 0 52.601262 -2.010026
WS2 7JH 39 0 52.602358 -2.013245
WS2 7JJ 41 0 52.601451 -2.01326
WS2 7JL 2 2 52.597933 -2.014641
WS2 7JN 47 0 52.597036 -2.013701
WS2 7JP 34 0 52.601684 -2.014397
WS2 7JQ 30 0 52.601532 -2.011503
WS2 7JR 30 0 52.603824 -2.01456
WS2 7JS 12 1 52.605433 -2.013291
WS2 7JT 2 2 52.605251 -2.014732
WS2 7JU 12 0 52.604516 -2.015092
WS2 7JW 16 0 52.599437 -2.014116