all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7DW 26 0 52.603995 -2.014058
WS2 7DX 3 3 52.601224 -2.007422
WS2 7DY 29 13 52.601154 -2.008845
WS2 7DZ 9 0 52.600732 -2.008948
WS2 7EA 34 0 52.602395 -2.011695
WS2 7EB 4 3 52.603932 -2.008344
WS2 7EE 36 0 52.600586 -2.001841
WS2 7EF 24 0 52.600597 -2.001345
WS2 7EG 14 0 52.600292 -2.000636
WS2 7EH 18 0 52.602611 -2.001788
WS2 7EJ 42 0 52.603015 -2.002319
WS2 7EL 16 0 52.60386 -2.004254
WS2 7EN 32 0 52.604481 -2.005066
WS2 7EP 30 0 52.602701 -2.006439
WS2 7EQ 42 0 52.603024 -2.0035
WS2 7ER 66 0 52.602296 -2.004209
WS2 7ES 8 0 52.601496 -2.002998
WS2 7ET 24 0 52.601973 -2.004741
WS2 7EU 23 1 52.601667 -2.005051
WS2 7EW 33 0 52.604265 -2.005597