all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7AG 26 0 52.601253 -1.987953
WS2 7AH 49 0 52.600012 -1.986152
WS2 7AJ 28 0 52.599428 -1.984218
WS2 7AL 26 0 52.599527 -1.986551
WS2 7AN 13 1 52.598592 -1.985739
WS2 7AP 41 0 52.597881 -1.983067
WS2 7AQ 4 0 52.599356 -1.987673
WS2 7AR 52 0 52.59789 -1.984485
WS2 7AS 14 0 52.59763 -1.984558
WS2 7AT 8 0 52.597765 -1.986581
WS2 7AU 28 1 52.598403 -1.986596
WS2 7AW 35 0 52.598951 -1.984499
WS2 7AZ 1 0 52.596515 -1.988914
WS2 7BA 4 0 52.598187 -1.988367
WS2 7BB 48 0 52.599383 -1.988426
WS2 7BD 54 4 52.601871 -1.990103
WS2 7BE 20 1 52.601424 -1.990847
WS2 7BG 29 2 52.601927 -1.989533
WS2 7BH 13 0 52.597108 -1.9854
WS2 7BJ 26 0 52.597189 -1.9845