all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 0LN 16 0 52.592792 -2.019915
WS2 0LP 37 1 52.593637 -2.020727
WS2 0LQ 57 0 52.591713 -2.022114
WS2 0LR 65 0 52.593835 -2.021642
WS2 0LS 28 0 52.594807 -2.017185
WS2 0LT 29 0 52.595103 -2.017613
WS2 0LU 58 0 52.595175 -2.019089
WS2 0LW 24 0 52.593386 -2.02021
WS2 0LX 64 0 52.59513 -2.020994
WS2 0LY 30 0 52.594976 -2.023282
WS2 0LZ 29 0 52.594931 -2.024212
WS2 0NA 12 0 52.591853 -2.037466
WS2 0NB 29 0 52.590918 -2.037878
WS2 0ND 30 0 52.591899 -2.033406
WS2 0NE 32 0 52.592969 -2.034116
WS2 0NF 32 0 52.590856 -2.036387
WS2 0NG 40 0 52.591198 -2.035413
WS2 0NH 24 0 52.592348 -2.036315
WS2 0NJ 11 0 52.59154 -2.034115
WS2 0NL 8 0 52.591162 -2.034823