all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7BL 18 0 52.600597 -1.989415
WS2 7BN 1 1 52.598125 -1.995144
WS2 7BP 1 1 52.604256 -1.999706
WS2 7BQ 40 0 52.59843 -1.987526
WS2 7BU 19 10 52.606306 -2.000577
WS2 7BY 5 1 52.60547 -2.004844
WS2 7BZ 2 2 52.605629 -1.999774
WS2 7DA 17 1 52.60502 -2.009008
WS2 7DD 31 0 52.604768 -2.006852
WS2 7DE 5 4 52.605827 -2.009697
WS2 7DG 22 0 52.605352 -2.012508
WS2 7DJ 44 0 52.604247 -2.011282
WS2 7DL 24 0 52.604795 -2.011947
WS2 7DN 19 0 52.603329 -2.013585
WS2 7DP 36 0 52.60421 -2.012729
WS2 7DQ 13 13 52.607483 -2.014015
WS2 7DR 44 0 52.603474 -2.009259
WS2 7DS 24 0 52.603761 -2.007325
WS2 7DT 62 0 52.602701 -2.008786
WS2 7DU 54 0 52.60217 -2.009111