all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 0NN 20 0 52.592196 -2.032669
WS2 0NP 16 0 52.593185 -2.03292
WS2 0NQ 47 0 52.591745 -2.03689
WS2 0NR 10 0 52.593536 -2.032153
WS2 0NS 9 0 52.591736 -2.03872
WS2 0NT 52 0 52.592736 -2.032876
WS2 0NU 37 0 52.590352 -2.037066
WS2 0NW 29 0 52.592619 -2.031119
WS2 0PA 10 0 52.584422 -2.023128
WS2 0WB 3 3 52.582021 -2.02602
WS2 0AF 0 52.583514 -2.023349
WS2 0AP 0 52.583649 -2.022434
WS2 0BE 0 52.583928 -2.022715
WS2 0GA 0 52.588603 -2.023411
WS2 0GB 0 52.587504 -2.032075
WS2 0GH 0 52.58772 -2.031632
WS2 0GL 0 52.588088 -2.032252
WS2 0JT 27 0 52.589302 -2.018609
WS2 7AA 12 1 52.602358 -1.98624
WS2 7AF 30 1 52.600857 -1.98754