all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 5FA 20 0 54.247813 -1.053761
YO62 5ES 8 0 54.247755 -1.06139
YO62 5FB 1 0 54.249983 -1.054264
YO62 6AA 20 12 54.269817 -0.932092
YO62 6AB 3 1 54.269279 -0.931123
YO62 6AD 58 5 54.268843 -0.933668
YO62 6AE 5 0 54.268886 -0.931409
YO62 6AF 47 3 54.269068 -0.933754
YO62 6AG 18 3 54.267763 -0.938609
YO62 6AH 13 0 54.265833 -0.935155
YO62 6AJ 9 0 54.266183 -0.935763
YO62 6AL 1 0 54.266728 -0.936379
YO62 6AN 2 0 54.267465 -0.93671
YO62 6AP 1 0 54.267615 -0.936141
YO62 6AQ 8 0 54.26832 -0.937612
YO62 6AR 27 4 54.269403 -0.933976
YO62 6AS 4 1 54.269955 -0.933439
YO62 6AT 11 3 54.270671 -0.933022
YO62 6AU 17 0 54.270456 -0.934133
YO62 6AW 8 0 54.267494 -0.935637