all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 6EB 39 0 54.266849 -0.927792
YO62 6ED 12 0 54.271242 -0.934665
YO62 6EE 19 0 54.270989 -0.934534
YO62 6EF 61 0 54.273708 -0.940115
YO62 6EG 7 1 54.271956 -0.935108
YO62 6EH 22 0 54.273064 -0.938458
YO62 6EJ 31 0 54.272207 -0.938111
YO62 6EL 19 0 54.274348 -0.938317
YO62 6BF 3 0 54.275116 -0.938743
YO62 6EN 9 0 54.274131 -0.940135
YO62 6EP 33 0 54.270293 -0.935058
YO62 6EQ 5 0 54.271638 -0.935715
YO62 6ER 52 0 54.2679 -0.927734
YO62 6ES 16 0 54.271907 -0.940699
YO62 6ET 9 0 54.274901 -0.939808
YO62 6EU 17 0 54.266359 -0.92825
YO62 6EW 4 0 54.26605 -0.926846
YO62 6EX 8 0 54.272178 -0.935762
YO62 6EY 4 0 54.253329 -0.93459
YO62 6EZ 2 2 54.253076 -0.936726