all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 6AX 8 1 54.270657 -0.932454
YO62 6AY 21 4 54.270371 -0.931709
YO62 6AZ 19 5 54.269937 -0.930399
YO62 6BA 31 0 54.268063 -0.936943
YO62 6BB 1 1 54.269296 -0.930413
YO62 6BD 19 1 54.269159 -0.929805
YO62 6BE 11 0 54.26939 -0.929462
YO62 6BG 4 0 54.271041 -0.933212
YO62 6BH 12 0 54.272317 -0.933179
YO62 6BJ 22 0 54.271999 -0.93288
YO62 6BL 8 0 54.27318 -0.932235
YO62 6BN 8 0 54.273621 -0.932316
YO62 6BP 4 0 54.273705 -0.93368
YO62 6BQ 8 0 54.271119 -0.932918
YO62 6BR 45 0 54.269856 -0.939507
YO62 6BS 12 0 54.269027 -0.938269
YO62 6BT 6 0 54.270745 -0.939454
YO62 6BU 15 0 54.270329 -0.939111
YO62 6BW 7 0 54.273404 -0.93418
YO62 6BX 22 1 54.269816 -0.93805