all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 6BY 11 0 54.271314 -0.94076
YO62 6BZ 16 0 54.272032 -0.939651
YO62 6DA 11 7 54.269974 -0.931473
YO62 6DB 6 4 54.269333 -0.93055
YO62 6DD 1 1 54.269374 -0.930721
YO62 6DE 1 1 54.269196 -0.930971
YO62 6DF 35 6 54.268171 -0.930936
YO62 6DG 1 1 54.266693 -0.930741
YO62 6DH 43 0 54.267654 -0.934405
YO62 6DL 8 0 54.26688 -0.931277
YO62 6DN 30 2 54.264593 -0.930737
YO62 6DP 4 0 54.264264 -0.929499
YO62 6DQ 29 6 54.268246 -0.930578
YO62 6DR 3 0 54.263389 -0.930876
YO62 6DS 2 0 54.265156 -0.92771
YO62 6DT 2 2 54.266447 -0.929366
YO62 6DX 2 0 54.266256 -0.928066
YO62 6DY 13 5 54.265613 -0.925549
YO62 6DZ 1 1 54.265726 -0.926777
YO62 6EA 20 0 54.266442 -0.926421