all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 4DQ 20 0 54.197235 -1.107006
YO62 4DR 20 0 54.19641 -1.109706
YO62 4DS 19 0 54.197775 -1.107573
YO62 4DT 1 0 54.200746 -1.106532
YO62 4DU 37 1 54.200753 -1.110421
YO62 4ED 6 3 54.200096 -1.134537
YO62 4DW 23 0 54.196682 -1.108735
YO62 4DX 25 2 54.201083 -1.109652
YO62 4DY 16 0 54.200986 -1.113532
YO62 4DZ 6 0 54.201227 -1.109572
YO62 4EA 3 0 54.205628 -1.117772
YO62 4EB 1 0 54.202194 -1.121386
YO62 4EE 1 0 54.200744 -1.101397
YO62 4EF 1 0 54.200491 -1.102977
YO62 4EG 1 0 54.185373 -1.11451
YO62 4EJ 6 0 54.193616 -1.11228
YO62 4EN 1 1 54.202136 -1.082265
YO62 4EP 1 1 54.202078 -1.078173
YO62 4ER 1 1 54.202136 -1.082265
YO62 4ES 1 1 54.201794 -1.079835