all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 4JH 20 2 54.184214 -1.05891
YO62 4JJ 14 1 54.184962 -1.060288
YO62 4JL 12 0 54.18621 -1.06006
YO62 4JN 8 0 54.187565 -1.058696
YO62 4JQ 9 0 54.184384 -1.056834
YO62 4JR 2 0 54.181744 -0.955704
YO62 4JS 8 0 54.174141 -0.977591
YO62 4JT 31 0 54.173256 -0.977077
YO62 4JU 7 0 54.171723 -0.979658
YO62 4JW 8 0 54.189809 -1.056009
YO62 4JX 6 0 54.173459 -0.979829
YO62 4JY 12 0 54.172614 -0.979789
YO62 4JZ 17 0 54.171079 -0.980252
YO62 4LA 23 3 54.170733 -0.978456
YO62 4LB 8 0 54.168981 -0.978711
YO62 4LD 4 0 54.170184 -0.978286
YO62 4LE 10 0 54.170385 -0.976581
YO62 4LF 26 2 54.173616 -0.978367
YO62 4LG 19 1 54.173922 -0.97957
YO62 4LH 1 0 54.192562 -0.963435