all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 4LJ 23 1 54.191702 -0.994431
YO62 4LL 5 0 54.197146 -1.015942
YO62 4LN 2 0 54.186234 -1.009502
YO62 4LP 1 0 54.178266 -1.001054
YO62 4LQ 4 0 54.176027 -0.973374
YO62 4LR 6 0 54.150689 -0.989959
YO62 4LS 5 0 54.14681 -0.966108
YO62 4LU 1 0 54.172554 -0.981138
YO62 4LW 26 0 54.182541 -1.018174
YO62 4LX 5 1 54.172337 -0.980191
YO62 4LY 12 0 54.170399 -0.980318
YO62 4NA 9 1 54.159188 -1.00494
YO62 4NB 35 0 54.147109 -1.010209
YO62 4ND 1 0 54.154838 -1.017804
YO62 4NE 13 0 54.159729 -1.028267
YO62 4NF 2 0 54.160433 -1.035356
YO62 4NG 4 0 54.15079 -1.043358
YO62 4NH 4 0 54.16199 -1.028677
YO62 4NJ 6 0 54.146151 -1.007369
YO62 4NL 3 0 54.148666 -1.009422