all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 9NY 3 2 53.957332 -1.079723
YO1 9PB 8 7 53.958049 -1.079488
YO1 9PG 1 1 53.956607 -1.076661
YO1 9PH 8 0 53.956302 -1.075525
YO1 9PL 1 1 53.954961 -1.076469
YO1 9PP 1 1 53.956116 -1.075879
YO1 9PT 6 1 53.954464 -1.07501
YO1 9PU 20 0 53.956735 -1.075774
YO1 9PX 5 0 53.954495 -1.075467
YO1 9PY 1 1 53.955065 -1.07604
YO1 9PZ 2 2 53.955184 -1.075116
YO1 9QA 25 0 53.956136 -1.075056
YO1 9QB 7 0 53.956353 -1.075188
YO1 9QD 6 2 53.956352 -1.076209
YO1 9QE 18 0 53.955324 -1.07579
YO1 9QF 14 0 53.954296 -1.076508
YO1 9QG 7 0 53.954141 -1.076282
YO1 9QH 3 0 53.954578 -1.0758
YO1 9QJ 27 0 53.955537 -1.076624
YO1 9QL 24 18 53.958966 -1.084199