all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 8QZ 1 1 53.959925 -1.083919
YO1 8RA 11 10 53.95949 -1.08338
YO1 8RJ 5 4 53.959677 -1.083147
YO1 8RL 2 1 53.959418 -1.082262
YO1 8RN 5 5 53.959981 -1.081753
YO1 8RR 3 2 53.959583 -1.081518
YO1 8RS 10 4 53.959385 -1.08137
YO1 8RT 3 2 53.959247 -1.081007
YO1 8RU 8 7 53.958976 -1.0808
YO1 8RW 1 1 53.960116 -1.081857
YO1 8RX 7 6 53.957938 -1.081463
YO1 8RY 1 1 53.959401 -1.081181
YO1 8RZ 11 8 53.9582 -1.081679
YO1 8SE 4 4 53.958592 -1.081113
YO1 8SG 5 5 53.959119 -1.08194
YO1 8SH 9 5 53.958917 -1.082523
YO1 8SJ 3 3 53.958931 -1.08199
YO1 8SL 6 4 53.958732 -1.081887
YO1 8SQ 6 4 53.95904 -1.08214
YO1 8SR 8 5 53.958485 -1.082426