all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 1JN 1 54.222098 -1.337359
YO7 1JP 1 54.22232 -1.336865
YO7 1JQ 0 54.224487 -1.338716
YO7 1JS 1 54.21885 -1.334957
YO7 1JT 1 54.221861 -1.338252
YO7 1JU 0 54.226837 -1.341863
YO7 1JW 0 54.223225 -1.337196
YO7 1JX 0 54.22261 -1.340434
YO7 1JY 0 54.223921 -1.336946
YO7 1JZ 0 54.238789 -1.332596
YO7 1LB 14 54.232125 -1.343258
YO7 1LE 0 54.231793 -1.343478
YO7 1LF 1 54.232142 -1.343166
YO7 1LG 1 54.230936 -1.342786
YO7 1LH 8 54.232431 -1.34178
YO7 1LJ 0 54.232041 -1.341066
YO7 1LL 1 54.232325 -1.342089
YO7 1LQ 1 54.23189 -1.343108
YO7 1LT 0 54.23162 -1.341395
YO7 1LU 6 54.23168 -1.342391