all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 1NW 0 54.223687 -1.341843
YO7 1NX 0 54.223327 -1.343428
YO7 1NY 0 54.225067 -1.342818
YO7 1NZ 0 54.226183 -1.343046
YO7 1PA 0 54.221936 -1.342162
YO7 1PB 0 54.221509 -1.344699
YO7 1PD 0 54.222579 -1.346324
YO7 1PE 0 54.234343 -1.344665
YO7 1PG 0 54.232545 -1.344494
YO7 1PL 6 54.233706 -1.344905
YO7 1PN 0 54.233498 -1.346289
YO7 1PP 0 54.233514 -1.345783
YO7 1PQ 11 54.232876 -1.344167
YO7 1PR 0 54.235425 -1.346995
YO7 1PS 3 54.232679 -1.345252
YO7 1PU 3 54.231836 -1.346438
YO7 1PW 0 54.234871 -1.34666
YO7 1PY 1 54.230819 -1.346025
YO7 1PZ 6 54.230046 -1.354505
YO7 1QA 0 54.223279 -1.339625