all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 2JP 0 54.311915 -1.280229
YO7 2JQ 0 54.279518 -1.280594
YO7 2JR 0 54.312719 -1.268887
YO7 2JS 0 54.311272 -1.267437
YO7 2JT 1 54.314701 -1.2756
YO7 2JU 0 54.317881 -1.2659
YO7 2JW 2 54.311365 -1.282975
YO7 2JX 0 54.322461 -1.269678
YO7 2JY 0 54.325232 -1.290376
YO7 2JZ 2 54.324757 -1.299886
YO7 2LA 0 54.325254 -1.298212
YO7 2LB 0 54.324484 -1.299352
YO7 2LE 0 54.325298 -1.301102
YO7 2LF 0 54.320626 -1.302964
YO7 2LG 0 54.318587 -1.313104
YO7 2LH 0 54.332223 -1.305757
YO7 2LJ 0 54.333205 -1.307104
YO7 2LL 0 54.33173 -1.28748
YO7 2LQ 0 54.327857 -1.311607
YO7 2LR 1 54.251866 -1.349099