all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 2NW 1 54.253047 -1.349817
YO7 2NX 0 54.257784 -1.298549
YO7 2NY 0 54.249538 -1.327726
YO7 2NZ 0 54.249988 -1.34916
YO7 2PF 1 54.218871 -1.286786
YO7 2PG 0 54.219678 -1.28642
YO7 2PH 2 54.216794 -1.292711
YO7 2PJ 0 54.218729 -1.290224
YO7 2PL 0 54.216063 -1.296075
YO7 2PN 0 54.220201 -1.285291
YO7 2PP 0 54.218475 -1.291348
YO7 2PQ 0 54.219009 -1.287351
YO7 2PR 2 54.236416 -1.255752
YO7 2PS 1 54.236518 -1.259995
YO7 2PA 0 54.236424 -1.262313
YO7 2PT 0 54.237991 -1.263549
YO7 2PU 0 54.241964 -1.270224
YO7 2PW 1 54.218547 -1.289721
YO7 2PX 0 54.241063 -1.253714
YO7 2PY 0 54.241924 -1.241122