all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 3BQ 0 54.179257 -1.302636
YO7 3BR 0 54.207028 -1.32305
YO7 3BS 0 54.174064 -1.305275
YO7 3BT 3 54.230179 -1.330136
YO7 3BU 0 54.232465 -1.336533
YO7 3BW 0 54.195322 -1.340255
YO7 3BX 24 54.231986 -1.330245
YO7 3BZ 1 54.180913 -1.407242
YO7 3DA 0 54.157855 -1.436131
YO7 3DB 0 54.148311 -1.441075
YO7 3DD 0 54.129652 -1.402709
YO7 3DE 0 54.134429 -1.407263
YO7 3DF 0 54.134291 -1.408321
YO7 3DG 0 54.133089 -1.40693
YO7 3DH 3 54.135357 -1.402895
YO7 3DJ 0 54.135113 -1.400014
YO7 3DL 2 54.134864 -1.398747
YO7 3DN 0 54.135095 -1.398223
YO7 3DQ 0 54.132923 -1.406152
YO7 3DS 0 54.133087 -1.403027