all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 3RN 0 54.177579 -1.389318
YO7 3RP 1 54.177789 -1.384704
YO7 3RQ 0 54.179315 -1.386803
YO7 3RR 0 54.17926 -1.382323
YO7 3RS 0 54.179019 -1.384364
YO7 3RT 0 54.178868 -1.38645
YO7 3RU 0 54.180044 -1.387053
YO7 3RW 2 54.178439 -1.38523
YO7 3RX 0 54.180563 -1.387558
YO7 3RY 0 54.178859 -1.38563
YO7 3RZ 0 54.181637 -1.393825
YO7 3SA 0 54.183242 -1.411254
YO7 3SB 0 54.191094 -1.405955
YO7 3SD 3 54.188033 -1.391433
YO7 3SE 8 54.194652 -1.402103
YO7 3SF 1 54.20123 -1.404621
YO7 3SG 1 54.210871 -1.413269
YO7 3SQ 0 54.183548 -1.387775
YO7 3TD 7 54.231411 -1.33115
YO7 3TE 2 54.230484 -1.330116