all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 3TF 5 54.232501 -1.32989
YO7 3TY 0 54.227211 -1.328297
YO7 3WU 0 54.232597 -1.328747
YO7 3XB 0 54.154713 -1.418136
YO7 3XX 1 54.232597 -1.328747
YO7 3YA 1 54.135106 -1.407758
YO7 3YB 0 54.132149 -1.402245
YO7 3YD 0 54.13298 -1.401315
YO7 3YE 0 54.132282 -1.403804
YO7 4AA 0 54.243301 -1.35001
YO7 4AB 1 54.254698 -1.357589
YO7 4AD 1 54.264824 -1.360471
YO7 4AE 0 54.261336 -1.351108
YO7 4AF 0 54.263342 -1.349895
YO7 4AG 0 54.274258 -1.34914
YO7 4AH 0 54.283622 -1.351394
YO7 4AJ 1 54.285083 -1.340711
YO7 4AL 0 54.288972 -1.342825
YO7 4AN 1 54.288801 -1.340145
YO7 4AP 0 54.277111 -1.325337