all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8SX 10 1 57.211865 -2.926246
AB33 8SY 1 0 57.220729 -2.911829
AB33 8TA 3 0 57.224289 -2.918922
AB33 8TB 2 0 57.221952 -2.942647
AB33 8TD 4 0 57.237515 -2.95464
AB33 8TE 1 0 57.232551 -2.960078
AB33 8TF 3 0 57.232038 -2.691033
AB33 8TL 14 0 57.232887 -2.709519
AB33 8TN 37 0 57.234064 -2.709542
AB33 8TP 25 0 57.232958 -2.711227
AB33 8TR 2 0 57.212185 -2.938143
AB33 8TT 17 1 57.231513 -2.704656
AB33 8TY 25 4 57.232364 -2.707359
AB33 8TZ 7 1 57.231942 -2.703372
AB33 8UA 33 0 57.232534 -2.693958
AB33 8UB 22 0 57.231813 -2.692735
AB33 8UD 12 0 57.231932 -2.695454
AB33 8UE 4 0 57.232838 -2.694113
AB33 8UF 16 0 57.232536 -2.691821
AB33 8UG 16 0 57.233013 -2.693453