all postcodes in CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District

CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM0 7BE 5 0 51.662978 0.802266
CM0 7BG 19 4 51.663594 0.809621
CM0 7BH 2 0 51.651244 0.824183
CM0 7BJ 1 0 51.656545 0.826378
CM0 7BL 7 2 51.653603 0.821582
CM0 7BN 6 0 51.654436 0.810081
CM0 7BP 11 0 51.6568 0.809779
CM0 7BQ 5 0 51.65381 0.824559
CM0 7BS 3 0 51.656084 0.80586
CM0 7BT 4 0 51.65548 0.811201
CM0 7BU 6 0 51.656198 0.808976
CM0 7BW 7 0 51.655956 0.804073
CM0 7BX 6 0 51.656588 0.806874
CM0 7BY 10 0 51.661974 0.828769
CM0 7BZ 5 0 51.662323 0.829109
CM0 7DA 6 5 51.66036 0.836318
CM0 7EQ 3 2 51.661301 0.837187
CM0 7DE 12 3 51.662441 0.829897
CM0 7DF 23 5 51.663067 0.830804
CM0 7DG 38 1 51.664206 0.831671