all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 1JA 30 15 51.73701 0.46642
CM1 1JD 1 0 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 1JE 1 1 51.736806 0.465409
CM1 1JG 2 2 51.736297 0.465566
CM1 1JP 9 9 51.735324 0.470485
CM1 1JU 1 1 51.735428 0.47023
CM1 1JW 1 1 51.736777 0.471491
CM1 1JY 1 1 51.735352 0.470414
CM1 1JZ 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1LB 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1LE 1 1 51.733524 0.470097
CM1 1LG 1 1 51.74241 0.473465
CM1 1LN 11 9 51.735253 0.469043
CM1 1LU 1 1 51.734346 0.470794
CM1 1LW 4 4 51.735844 0.468714
CM1 1LX 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1NE 3 1 51.735096 0.473496
CM1 1NF 1 1 51.736627 0.473931
CM1 1NG 1 1 51.733981 0.468876
CM1 1NH 3 3 51.735469 0.471695