all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 1PZ 7 0 51.740098 0.469239
CM1 1QA 25 0 51.73963 0.469706
CM1 1QB 21 1 51.73942 0.472718
CM1 1QD 24 0 51.739379 0.470923
CM1 1QE 10 0 51.739228 0.468713
CM1 1QF 73 0 51.73967 0.468187
CM1 1QG 44 1 51.738498 0.467815
CM1 1QH 5 5 51.734973 0.469597
CM1 1QJ 25 2 51.737663 0.46819
CM1 1QL 6 5 51.737915 0.469044
CM1 1QP 12 1 51.737853 0.467708
CM1 1QQ 16 0 51.738318 0.467056
CM1 1QW 1 1 51.738695 0.470089
CM1 1RE 58 0 51.740441 0.471224
CM1 1RF 43 3 51.740742 0.471128
CM1 1RG 66 0 51.741617 0.470147
CM1 1RH 9 0 51.741523 0.468187
CM1 1RJ 14 0 51.741729 0.467372
CM1 1RL 28 0 51.742473 0.467905
CM1 1RN 33 1 51.745169 0.467154