all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 1NL 2 2 51.736998 0.472441
CM1 1NP 1 1 51.736324 0.47164
CM1 1JS 4 3 51.735901 0.472544
CM1 1QS 28 11 51.737255 0.467157
CM1 1NT 7 6 51.735906 0.473167
CM1 1NX 20 0 51.735827 0.471338
CM1 1NY 2 2 51.736957 0.472671
CM1 1NZ 6 6 51.737242 0.471976
CM1 1PA 32 4 51.736869 0.476102
CM1 1PD 12 8 51.743369 0.474397
CM1 1PE 17 11 51.73815 0.477979
CM1 1PH 22 5 51.740099 0.473784
CM1 1PJ 2 1 51.737412 0.472855
CM1 1PN 1 1 51.740505 0.476417
CM1 1PP 3 3 51.739507 0.473722
CM1 1PR 11 4 51.739726 0.47368
CM1 1PT 10 0 51.740041 0.473683
CM1 1PW 1 1 51.743831 0.47431
CM1 1PX 57 1 51.739829 0.472643
CM1 1PY 43 0 51.740042 0.470641