all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7PA 50 2 51.852207 0.167118
CM22 7PE 7 0 51.848099 0.176256
CM22 7PG 3 0 51.849278 0.182063
CM22 7PH 35 0 51.844415 0.173143
CM22 7PJ 10 1 51.84604 0.174313
CM22 7PL 13 0 51.842375 0.174107
CM22 7PN 4 0 51.841837 0.173559
CM22 7PP 5 1 51.841082 0.174016
CM22 7PQ 3 0 51.845826 0.170339
CM22 7PR 13 1 51.842595 0.178645
CM22 7PS 10 0 51.840626 0.173399
CM22 7PT 8 0 51.839674 0.173309
CM22 7PU 27 1 51.838931 0.175059
CM22 7PX 23 2 51.837763 0.175032
CM22 7PY 6 0 51.838181 0.174237
CM22 7QA 1 0 51.854232 0.167041
CM22 7QB 3 0 51.846586 0.189437
CM22 7QF 8 0 51.846156 0.189854
CM22 7QJ 4 1 51.85861 0.170519
CM22 7QL 6 1 51.857753 0.176908