all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7RN 4 0 51.831273 0.189886
CM22 7RP 14 7 51.825504 0.189082
CM22 7RR 9 1 51.826743 0.201231
CM22 7RS 7 0 51.821725 0.191642
CM22 7RT 9 0 51.82091 0.193866
CM22 7RU 2 0 51.820398 0.19432
CM22 7RW 4 0 51.829859 0.18857
CM22 7RZ 12 0 51.834691 0.187454
CM22 7SE 8 2 51.836626 0.15914
CM22 7SG 7 1 51.836951 0.162419
CM22 7SH 15 0 51.839737 0.169901
CM22 7SJ 8 0 51.839795 0.172604
CM22 7SL 3 0 51.840734 0.171923
CM22 7SN 17 0 51.840483 0.172869
CM22 7SP 2 0 51.841405 0.17249
CM22 7SQ 8 0 51.840099 0.163923
CM22 7SW 9 0 51.840428 0.171444
CM22 7TA 16 2 51.871339 0.20643
CM22 7TD 8 3 51.869672 0.221442
CM22 7TF 2 0 51.8697 0.220426