all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 4FL 30 0 51.861064 0.138627
CM23 4FN 52 0 51.859162 0.137898
CM23 4FP 32 0 51.861413 0.138716
CM23 4FQ 48 0 51.861429 0.132413
CM23 4FR 13 0 51.860189 0.138774
CM23 4FS 21 0 51.860856 0.137252
CM23 4FT 9 0 51.859151 0.13704
CM23 4FW 30 0 51.858931 0.13976
CM23 4FX 9 0 51.858399 0.137861
CM23 4FY 13 0 51.858642 0.13735
CM23 4FZ 15 1 51.85837 0.135493
CM23 4GA 14 0 51.8591 0.131926
CM23 4GB 29 0 51.859948 0.131791
CM23 4GD 10 0 51.860468 0.132353
CM23 4GF 30 0 51.859859 0.135694
CM23 4GG 46 0 51.855909 0.135826
CM23 4GH 12 0 51.857313 0.134281
CM23 4GJ 16 0 51.860173 0.137219
CM23 4GL 15 0 51.859821 0.137304
CM23 4GP 54 0 51.861065 0.135635