all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 4GR 32 0 51.856335 0.136631
CM23 4GS 16 0 51.855716 0.134539
CM23 4GU 35 0 51.859005 0.138631
CM23 4GZ 8 0 51.854808 0.137488
CM23 4HD 75 0 51.859978 0.14941
CM23 4HE 50 0 51.864598 0.145069
CM23 4HF 25 0 51.864626 0.146959
CM23 4HG 17 0 51.865755 0.14572
CM23 4HH 29 0 51.865054 0.143725
CM23 4HJ 14 0 51.865756 0.144703
CM23 4HL 35 0 51.863969 0.141568
CM23 4HN 16 0 51.863577 0.14335
CM23 4HP 15 0 51.863137 0.143794
CM23 4HQ 19 0 51.865501 0.146332
CM23 4HR 43 0 51.862983 0.141928
CM23 4HS 29 0 51.861693 0.144118
CM23 4HT 51 0 51.86107 0.144756
CM23 4HU 35 0 51.861294 0.143794
CM23 4HW 11 0 51.864491 0.142043
CM23 4HX 24 0 51.862399 0.144863