all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 4RF 2 2 51.861045 0.142108
CM23 4EH 41 0 51.855839 0.147528
CM23 4EJ 29 0 51.856148 0.146366
CM23 4EL 14 1 51.857229 0.147289
CM23 4EN 62 0 51.860554 0.146431
CM23 4EP 40 0 51.861138 0.146938
CM23 4EQ 15 0 51.857341 0.132206
CM23 4ER 32 0 51.861895 0.146335
CM23 4ES 30 0 51.861845 0.149077
CM23 4ET 27 0 51.861038 0.148966
CM23 4EU 32 0 51.86368 0.145621
CM23 4EW 50 0 51.859867 0.145614
CM23 4EX 19 0 51.862036 0.147997
CM23 4EY 43 0 51.862744 0.146637
CM23 4EZ 30 0 51.863044 0.14745
CM23 4FE 20 0 51.859389 0.13435
CM23 4FF 7 0 51.858897 0.134211
CM23 4FG 12 0 51.858849 0.134847
CM23 4FH 17 0 51.860542 0.134695
CM23 4FJ 30 0 51.860233 0.134419