all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 0EQ 6 4 51.687793 0.409352
CM4 0ER 4 0 51.693568 0.424143
CM4 0ES 2 1 51.69366 0.425349
CM4 0ET 3 1 51.698349 0.425372
CM4 0EW 6 0 51.69237 0.40695
CM4 0EX 3 0 51.69967 0.433272
CM4 0EY 2 0 51.701674 0.436198
CM4 0EZ 3 0 51.698352 0.44216
CM4 0GF 3 0 51.674861 0.377133
CM4 0GH 15 0 51.668159 0.385477
CM4 0HA 16 1 51.689432 0.410759
CM4 0HB 8 1 51.699107 0.398389
CM4 0HD 1 1 51.692721 0.420918
CM4 0HH 9 0 51.674179 0.388382
CM4 0HJ 8 0 51.676945 0.385042
CM4 0HL 4 0 51.679587 0.384226
CM4 0HN 1 0 51.681978 0.383411
CM4 0HP 1 0 51.680304 0.3746
CM4 0HR 15 0 51.679141 0.373162
CM4 0HS 19 1 51.679442 0.372542