all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 0LB 3 0 51.700728 0.30481
CM4 0LD 6 0 51.701607 0.306058
CM4 0LE 1 1 51.707185 0.309569
CM4 0LG 16 0 51.705898 0.308259
CM4 0LH 4 0 51.713437 0.31572
CM4 0LJ 4 1 51.713201 0.314639
CM4 0LL 3 0 51.716582 0.315998
CM4 0LN 21 2 51.716136 0.311719
CM4 0LP 8 1 51.714597 0.319516
CM4 0LQ 10 2 51.711136 0.311534
CM4 0LR 10 0 51.718366 0.341238
CM4 0LS 4 1 51.719343 0.343214
CM4 0LT 6 1 51.721812 0.346108
CM4 0LU 11 0 51.725936 0.348824
CM4 0LW 1 0 51.718159 0.315862
CM4 0LX 5 0 51.722147 0.345097
CM4 0NG 1 1 51.669214 0.382669
CM4 0NH 1 1 51.666691 0.364228
CM4 0NJ 2 1 51.668773 0.361485
CM4 0NL 5 0 51.676695 0.368481