all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 0PN 11 0 51.680695 0.367038
CM4 0PP 5 0 51.688061 0.364097
CM4 0PQ 4 0 51.68568 0.357274
CM4 0PR 1 1 51.693655 0.361813
CM4 0PS 2 0 51.692584 0.372838
CM4 0PT 10 1 51.690849 0.374342
CM4 0PU 5 0 51.696968 0.383881
CM4 0PW 6 0 51.680999 0.361773
CM4 0PX 7 1 51.692271 0.392269
CM4 0PY 3 1 51.705457 0.343684
CM4 0PZ 8 0 51.695148 0.339374
CM4 0QA 2 1 51.694795 0.340178
CM4 0QB 6 0 51.69155 0.399556
CM4 0QD 2 0 51.662071 0.368742
CM4 0QE 4 0 51.676032 0.320626
CM4 0QH 5 0 51.69292 0.31793
CM4 0QJ 7 0 51.692817 0.315856
CM4 0QW 17 1 51.693445 0.316175
CM4 0QL 13 0 51.693835 0.317109
CM4 0QN 21 0 51.693846 0.318383