all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 0NN 13 0 51.674701 0.375059
CM4 0NP 7 0 51.677714 0.355848
CM4 0NQ 46 2 51.666727 0.364401
CM4 0NR 2 0 51.671175 0.360149
CM4 0NS 8 0 51.673158 0.352716
CM4 0NT 2 1 51.676163 0.341893
CM4 0NU 1 0 51.682108 0.344095
CM4 0NW 7 0 51.674126 0.368127
CM4 0NX 9 2 51.678435 0.327808
CM4 0NY 1 1 51.677233 0.32993
CM4 0NZ 9 0 51.682954 0.323917
CM4 0PA 6 0 51.683013 0.340655
CM4 0PB 6 0 51.682287 0.344845
CM4 0PD 6 0 51.684114 0.353544
CM4 0PE 4 0 51.687222 0.354374
CM4 0PF 1 0 51.687683 0.351328
CM4 0PG 7 0 51.686795 0.355943
CM4 0PH 2 0 51.68542 0.357012
CM4 0PJ 1 0 51.685211 0.357594
CM4 0PL 3 0 51.684549 0.358055