all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2LT 22 0 51.87378 0.540948
CM7 2LU 16 0 51.874765 0.541963
CM7 2LW 23 0 51.874636 0.543365
CM7 2LX 18 0 51.873161 0.542119
CM7 2NA 6 0 51.878476 0.545441
CM7 2NE 20 0 51.881069 0.547361
CM7 2NF 26 0 51.879914 0.54715
CM7 2NG 4 0 51.880907 0.549037
CM7 2NH 14 0 51.87513 0.536695
CM7 2NJ 8 0 51.875711 0.536466
CM7 2NL 25 0 51.877693 0.54005
CM7 2NN 15 0 51.877473 0.538992
CM7 2NP 8 0 51.877983 0.539093
CM7 2NQ 34 0 51.875002 0.53846
CM7 2NR 38 0 51.877299 0.536628
CM7 2NS 13 1 51.875714 0.539256
CM7 2NT 24 0 51.875653 0.537914
CM7 2NU 29 0 51.877805 0.543166
CM7 2NW 5 0 51.877237 0.537845
CM7 2NX 22 0 51.877726 0.543932