all postcodes in CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District

CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM0 7EH 15 2 51.660912 0.836916
CM0 7EJ 37 0 51.6612 0.826465
CM0 7EP 6 0 51.661848 0.829528
CM0 7ER 23 0 51.660739 0.825525
CM0 7JT 7 0 51.658729 0.827569
CM0 7GZ 9 0 51.659879 0.829492
CM0 7ES 39 1 51.659762 0.827981
CM0 7ET 11 0 51.661138 0.828761
CM0 7EU 35 0 51.660975 0.834014
CM0 7EW 63 3 51.661909 0.833219
CM0 7EX 3 0 51.66239 0.825657
CM0 7EY 12 0 51.661634 0.827562
CM0 7EZ 3 0 51.661552 0.828714
CM0 7FB 6 0 51.663323 0.828015
CM0 7FE 7 0 51.662643 0.821508
CM0 7GA 8 0 51.66374 0.823774
CM0 7GD 13 0 51.658962 0.826499
CM0 7GE 17 0 51.66815 0.817641
CM0 7GG 6 0 51.660279 0.833421
CM0 7GH 8 0 51.660611 0.833428