all postcodes in CM / Chelmsford

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CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District

CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM0 7GP 7 0 51.659857 0.825181
CM0 7GW 3 0 51.66279 0.828849
CM0 7HA 24 0 51.659431 0.826818
CM0 7HB 17 0 51.660958 0.82726
CM0 7HD 5 0 51.660814 0.829492
CM0 7HE 74 0 51.662247 0.834947
CM0 7HF 15 0 51.661348 0.829743
CM0 7HG 14 0 51.660439 0.827502
CM0 7HH 4 0 51.713921 0.883886
CM0 7HJ 6 1 51.713983 0.883181
CM0 7HL 7 0 51.714481 0.884501
CM0 7HN 6 0 51.715214 0.882478
CM0 7HP 1 1 51.742187 0.89819
CM0 7HQ 14 0 51.659123 0.829141
CM0 7HR 9 1 51.718838 0.891642
CM0 7HS 11 1 51.71939 0.887507
CM0 7HT 8 0 51.7167 0.883137
CM0 7HU 8 0 51.715093 0.878633
CM0 7HW 4 0 51.739499 0.89412
CM0 7HX 4 0 51.71351 0.875709