all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2TX 1 1 51.277725 1.07871
CT1 2TY 3 3 51.277725 1.07871
CT1 2UA 7 6 51.276938 1.079231
CT1 2UE 1 1 51.278703 1.085773
CT1 2UR 1 1 51.276939 1.079533
CT1 2XJ 1 1 51.2778 1.083877
CT1 2XP 1 1 51.284437 1.094448
CT1 2XS 11 0 51.280759 1.080117
CT1 2TA 8 6 51.276866 1.08175
CT1 2TD 8 5 51.277091 1.08142
CT1 2TF 9 8 51.276829 1.080629
CT1 2TL 19 0 51.277196 1.081169
CT1 2TN 16 0 51.276255 1.080218
CT1 2QZ 0 51.276193 1.077617
CT1 2ND 0 51.277132 1.075744
CT1 2DX 84 0 51.278544 1.074734
CT1 2RT 94 0 51.275484 1.071375
CT1 2SW 87 0 51.275926 1.072365
CT1 2SX 79 0 51.275976 1.071479
CT1 2FH 21 0 51.278094 1.074389