all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2SB 1 1 51.278906 1.079965
CT1 2SD 1 1 51.278746 1.080241
CT1 2SE 1 1 51.27869 1.080338
CT1 2SG 6 5 51.278425 1.080621
CT1 2SH 2 2 51.278062 1.080927
CT1 2SJ 8 8 51.277765 1.080936
CT1 2SL 1 1 51.277498 1.078781
CT1 2SQ 1 1 51.278361 1.080674
CT1 2SR 8 5 51.277714 1.081677
CT1 2SS 2 2 51.277464 1.082149
CT1 2ST 1 1 51.276999 1.079623
CT1 2SY 2 2 51.27685 1.083255
CT1 2TB 1 1 51.277131 1.082613
CT1 2TG 15 13 51.27826 1.079706
CT1 2TH 5 5 51.278358 1.080273
CT1 2TJ 16 12 51.277859 1.080096
CT1 2TP 7 2 51.27783 1.079492
CT1 2TT 1 1 51.277464 1.078707
CT1 2TU 1 1 51.278075 1.078905
CT1 2TW 1 1 51.284437 1.094448