all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2LU 41 5 51.281098 1.085189
CT1 2NA 9 6 51.276394 1.083468
CT1 2NF 11 11 51.276002 1.082653
CT1 2NH 1 1 51.275764 1.082121
CT1 2NQ 2 2 51.278479 1.077069
CT1 2NR 17 10 51.279291 1.077983
CT1 2NS 11 0 51.278488 1.077743
CT1 2NT 29 0 51.278021 1.075991
CT1 2NU 17 5 51.278229 1.078499
CT1 2NX 10 0 51.276952 1.077683
CT1 2NY 13 7 51.277995 1.077667
CT1 2NZ 28 5 51.277895 1.076856
CT1 2PB 5 0 51.278127 1.076428
CT1 2PD 18 0 51.277834 1.075719
CT1 2PE 32 0 51.277243 1.076311
CT1 2PF 5 0 51.277644 1.075306
CT1 2PG 18 0 51.278338 1.076944
CT1 2PH 25 1 51.277198 1.075147
CT1 2PJ 2 0 51.277165 1.076063
CT1 2PN 8 2 51.276621 1.075366