all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2JA 22 9 51.280454 1.080082
CT1 2JB 24 6 51.280263 1.079339
CT1 2JE 21 8 51.279558 1.07945
CT1 2JG 1 1 51.279936 1.080277
CT1 2JH 14 7 51.278951 1.080327
CT1 2JJ 19 4 51.278892 1.080854
CT1 2JL 6 6 51.278666 1.080896
CT1 2JP 1 1 51.277627 1.080712
CT1 2JQ 3 2 51.279906 1.08039
CT1 2JR 14 9 51.278715 1.081415
CT1 2JS 8 6 51.278562 1.081906
CT1 2JT 9 7 51.278025 1.082
CT1 2JX 1 1 51.278157 1.081794
CT1 2LB 1 1 51.277903 1.082193
CT1 2LE 10 10 51.277386 1.083033
CT1 2LG 16 11 51.277641 1.084784
CT1 2LP 2 1 51.278589 1.085523
CT1 2LR 30 0 51.280165 1.08613
CT1 2LS 27 1 51.281697 1.08467
CT1 2LT 15 0 51.281815 1.084419