all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2PP 7 0 51.276715 1.074153
CT1 2PQ 9 0 51.277886 1.077186
CT1 2PR 7 0 51.275995 1.074535
CT1 2PS 5 0 51.276169 1.078505
CT1 2PT 1 0 51.275305 1.074978
CT1 2PU 4 1 51.275989 1.076127
CT1 2PW 27 0 51.275969 1.075381
CT1 2PX 3 1 51.276153 1.075909
CT1 2PY 31 11 51.276567 1.076224
CT1 2PZ 18 0 51.2771 1.074566
CT1 2QA 13 0 51.277387 1.077009
CT1 2QD 28 11 51.277445 1.077745
CT1 2QF 6 5 51.277143 1.077582
CT1 2QG 10 2 51.276638 1.077791
CT1 2QH 1 1 51.277265 1.07789
CT1 2QJ 11 3 51.27675 1.076938
CT1 2QL 16 0 51.276343 1.077355
CT1 2QN 15 1 51.276576 1.078776
CT1 2QP 7 0 51.276565 1.07681
CT1 2QQ 1 1 51.276416 1.078207