all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2QU 21 3 51.275914 1.077613
CT1 2QS 17 0 51.275991 1.078091
CT1 2QT 4 0 51.276659 1.076645
CT1 2QW 13 0 51.276604 1.078405
CT1 2QX 14 1 51.275487 1.076409
CT1 2QY 20 1 51.275947 1.076339
CT1 2RA 1 1 51.279627 1.079225
CT1 2RB 63 6 51.274591 1.075762
CT1 2RE 26 0 51.274117 1.079228
CT1 2RF 9 0 51.273888 1.079041
CT1 2RG 18 0 51.27371 1.080004
CT1 2RH 1 0 51.273977 1.08031
CT1 2RJ 1 0 51.274437 1.080411
CT1 2RN 15 0 51.275753 1.077244
CT1 2RQ 8 0 51.273508 1.080148
CT1 2RU 4 4 51.279003 1.078695
CT1 2RW 7 0 51.275906 1.077069
CT1 2RX 1 1 51.279546 1.07889
CT1 2RY 12 11 51.279209 1.079412
CT1 2SA 2 1 51.278944 1.079896