all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0EQ 9 0 52.421632 -1.249999
CV23 0ER 4 0 52.421529 -1.265147
CV23 0ES 4 0 52.381845 -1.218718
CV23 0EW 33 0 52.423151 -1.249944
CV23 0EZ 1 0 52.411552 -1.248273
CV23 0GA 10 0 52.409325 -1.300029
CV23 0GZ 3 0 52.381624 -1.217958
CV23 0HA 6 0 52.397979 -1.295537
CV23 0HB 9 0 52.429998 -1.281346
CV23 0HD 1 1 52.426818 -1.284692
CV23 0HE 6 0 52.422945 -1.289357
CV23 0HF 1 1 52.417252 -1.283053
CV23 0HG 5 0 52.421613 -1.296717
CV23 0HH 3 1 52.415126 -1.279485
CV23 0HJ 7 0 52.409929 -1.297343
CV23 0HL 26 3 52.407218 -1.29661
CV23 0HN 1 0 52.40602 -1.297494
CV23 0HP 39 0 52.409016 -1.296626
CV23 0HQ 8 0 52.409845 -1.298377
CV23 0HS 34 1 52.409108 -1.301564